Sounding – The dangerous sex practice becoming popular with men can have dangerous side effects and can permanently damage their penis.

Emerging into the mainstream, Sounding is a practice where men insert specially designed items made from metal or glass, into the opening in the end of their penis. The aim of this practice is to enhance their sexual pleasure and even encourage exploration of the penis by their partner. Doctors at International Andrology, specialising in the treatment of penile focused conditions such as Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie’s Disease and size issues have seen a dramatic increase in the number of men presenting Urethral complaints, issues and infections in line with the rise in this sexual practice.

While enhancing sexual pleasure through various techniques including piercing and the like have been in existence for many years, this new practice has quickly gained an enthusiastic following as men look to expand their sexual activities and enhance their sexual experiences but it can encourage an unfortunate medical problem, damage in the Urethral pathway.The Urethra works to provide the release of Urine from an individual’s bladder, removing waste from the body including dangerous chemicals, by-products from food and drink and helping to regulate hormones in the body. The Urethra also provides a delivery service for sperm during orgasm. While enhancing sexual pleasure, sounding items can damage the sensitive tissue within this structure

Side effects such as Urethral Strictures, described as ‘a kink in a hose’, block productive urine flows leading to leaking, embarrassing lack of control over the bladder and incontinence not to mention infection in this very sensitive organ.Incontinence can also be developed as loosening of damaging this soft tissue can led to a loss of bladder control.In order to return the penis to its previous abilities, alleviate pain and pressure, expert andrologist investigate the penis and the Urethral tube and usually diagnose surgical correction or even implants to help rebuild this sensitive area.

Men interested in this activity should first understand the issues with introducing objects into this passageway, purchase the items involved from reputable businesses and embrace clean practices such as cleaning items regularly and using lubrications specially designed for sensitive areas.

Individuals who feel they may have damaged part of their body such as the Urethra can find help at private clinics such as International Andrology. Our andrological experts can help advise men on their options to treat their condition and help safeguard themselves from any future damage.
