

What is hypogonadism?

Male hypogonadism is a condition in which the body doesn’t produce enough testosterone, the hormone that plays a key role in masculine growth and development during puberty. It may also mean you have an impaired ability to produce sperm or in some cases both.

You may be born with male hypogonadism or it can develop later in life due to injury or infection. The effects and how we can treat them depends on the cause and at what point in your life male hypogonadism occurs. Some types of male hypogonadism can be treated with testosterone replacement therapy.

There are two basic types of hypogonadism:

  • Primary hypogonadism – This type of hypogonadism, also known as primary testicular failure, originates from a problem in the testicles.

  • Secondary hypogonadism – This type of hypogonadism indicates a problem in the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland, parts of the brain that inform the testicles to produce testosterone.

Either type of hypogonadism may be caused by an inherited congenital trait or something that is acquired later in life such as an injury or an infection. At times, primary and secondary hypogonadism can occur together.

Can hypogonadism be treated?

As explained above, hypogonadism can have a significant effect your health but it also may be an indicator of other underlying issues leading to low testosterone levels. Consequently, the effective treatment of hypogonadism has three aims:

  • Restore testosterone levels within the normal range – this is called Testosterone Replacement Therapy

  • Treat any underlying conditions that have led to hypogonadism

  • Concurrently improve the symptoms of hypogonadism such as erectile dysfunction, low libido and other symptoms

I might be suffering from  low testosterone, what should I do next?

If you suffer from symptoms of low-testosterone then we advise you that you see a specialist urologist/andrologist.

Our doctors have a deep specialization in the diagnosis and treatment of hypogonadism as well as with associated health issues such as erectile dysfunction or subfertility – during the consultation your doctor will examine you and your medical history thoroughly, establish a correct diagnosis and help you to choose the optimum treatment option to restore your testosterone levels to normal.

