Exciting New Research from the UK Proves that Varying Opinions on Penis Size Do Impact Sexual Satisfaction

In a bid to discover the bare facts about the nation’s attitudes to self-image, size, sexual behaviour and porn, a confidential online survey was commissioned by International Andrology.

The initial results provided some regional differences across the UK as reported in a number of the top UK newspapers:

The study involved 2,000 volunteers (1,000 men and 1,000 women) located in 12 regions across the UK.

The Sun: Welsh blokes ‘are the best endowed in Britain’ but East Midlands men ‘deliver the most satisfaction’

Mirror: Which region has the best endowed men in the country? Britain’s penis sizes revealed

The Scottish Sun: Scots fellas cock-a-hoop after experts reveal they are among best-hung blokes in Britain with an average manhood of 6.45 inches

Keep your eyes on International Andrology as we release the full research findings very soon!
