5 Reasons Your Sperm Health Is Plummeting


Today you may live longer than ever before, but in parallel you will also find it harder to conceive.

Over the last 38 years, the average sperm count has progressively decreased, now standing at a mere 50-60% of what it used to. Year on year this trend reproves itself. What are you doing to prevent it?

While western lifestyles appear toxic to healthy sperm production, there are many newly discovered causes and aggressors that can be compensated for. If sperm count is a prominent health consideration, check your diet and lifestyle for these low sperm count considerations;

1. Your Diet’s Not Up To Scratch

The average western diet is high in carbohydrates and low in vegetables. High in fried foods and low in fruits. High in sugar and low in healthy fats. Nutrition is fuel for the human body. Feed it correctly and it’s able to produce healthy sperm at healthy sperm count levels. Feed it incorrectly and your sperm health, as well as sperm count, will significantly decrease. In order to protect, preserve and proliferate the health of sperm, antioxidants such as ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and tocopherol (vitamin E) are essential. Commonly found in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, in order to maintain biologically necessary blood levels, all 3 food groups should be regularly indulged in.Studies show men with low blood plasma antioxidant levels have increased oxidative damage to sperm. You are what you eat and low sperm counts caused by low antioxidant diets are yet another proof of Hippocrates well known saying, ‘Let food be thy medicine’.

2. Exercise Is Not a Current Priority

Would you describe your lifestyle as sedentary? How many hours a week do you spend in front of an office desk or television? How does this compare to a number of hours you spend exercising?Havard University measured the sperm count of 189 men aged 18 to 22 years, some with sedentary lifestyles and others with highly active lifestyles. Results showed men watching over 20 hours of TV a week had a 44% reduction in sperm count compared to men who did not watch TV.  The research also concluded men exercising for over 14 hours a week had a 73% higher sperm count than those only exercising for 5 hours. The evidence is mounting, make exercise a priority or your health and sperm count will reduce.

3. You’re Using the Wrong Lubricant

The health and mobility of sperm are not only impacted by diet and lifestyle, they’re also impacted by lubricants, both natural lubricants such as olive oil and commercial lubricants such as KY jelly. Statistics speak clearly, over 75% of couples looking to conceive report regular use of lubricants however after just 30 minutes in contact with sperm, their mobility and in some cases sperm health is significantly affected. FemGlide and KY jelly should be avoided by couples looking to conceive.

4. You’re Suffering from Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction has wide-ranging effects, both psychologically and physiologically. It’s one of the reasons our International Andrology team specialise in its swift diagnosis, treatment, and resolution (reach us on 0203 131 4188 if you have concerns). Alongside the emotional impact of erectile dysfunction also often comes a physical decline in sperm health. When unable to ejaculate regularly, the mobility and health of sperm decline.

If your erectile dysfunction has been provoked by stress, it is likely your body is under significant psychologically caused physical stress too. This is the brain-body connection. Undue stress may cause sperm DNA fragmentation. Have you heard of it? Not many people have. If you’re trying to conceive, the number of sperm DNA fragmentations is important. Higher numbers are associated with lower chances of pregnancy and if these odds are overcome, there’s a higher risk of miscarriage.  

Sperm DNA fragmentation tests are quick and easy to complete. If you suspect this may be a factor influencing your fertility, contact us today to book an initial consultation.

5. Your Sperm may be Suffering from Heat Fatigue

Hot, daily, 45-minute baths for 3 weeks were once a well-practised, Indian method of contraception. The theory behind its practice still upholds today. Sperm is healthier in cooler temperatures than they are in hot temperatures. The human body is designed to facilitate cooling, however, the modern, western lifestyle isn’t. From skinny jeans to pyjamas, from Lycra cycling shorts to ‘tighty-whities’, from sitting all day to exercising in a centrally heated gym. The average and persistent temperature of sperm is high.Age old studies have repeatedly shown cold sponging of the scrotum and avoidance of tight-fitting underwear or bedclothes, improve sperm count, quality and fertility. If impaired sperm health is causing your infertility, heat fatigue may be the cause. Contact us today on  0203 131 4188 and talk with our patient co-ordinators about your options.
