Importance of Sexual well-being for general well-being

Next time you go to the loo, have a shower, get dressed, take a moment to think about your penis.You may have a name for it. The Octagon, James Westfall and Doctor Kenneth Noisewater where the titles used by Ron Burgundy in Anchorman which may provide you with some ideas. You may touch your penis more than you will admit to. We clean, we scratch, we hold and we feel it. But have you ever thought about the purpose of this most mysterious organ?A man’s penis is a Swiss army knife of a body part. From the obvious urination purpose to our main sexual arousal indicator, the penis provides the body with a number of key activities and can be a major factor in letting you know something isn’t right.

Waste disposal

The first thing you ever used your penis for was and is to remove the urine waste product that is stored in your bladder. Created by blood filtration through the kidneys, the penis and the transportation tube, the Urethra, provides a smooth and clear passage for removal of these harmful and unnecessary materials from your blood and reduces chemical imbalances and hormonal levels in the body. On a night out, this vital service saves our lives as if we did not remove the alcohol imbibed through our liver’s overburdened filtration device, our bodies would be poisoned, and sometimes still are.

The vital importance of this functionality is usually not noticed until an issue such as a Urethral Stricture, which is when the urethra is damaged and this creates, in layman’s terms, a kink in the hose.This leads to urination straining, the feeling that the bladder is not empty, uncontrolled urination, night-time urination or worse, kidney damage and death.If you ever wondered why your father told you to protect yourself or why we wear a box in sports such as cricket, other than the obvious pain that a hit would create, then here is the answer.

Sexual performance

A no-brainer, and sometimes the sexual choices we make are also a no-brainer. The sexual function of the penis is well documented. The penis provides the organic bridge between the individual and their sexual partner to pass on DNA to create life. It provides the key pleasure sensations to encourage sexual activity. It also works as a visible cue to attraction, with erections telling individuals that what they see interests them, whether or not this is even a possibility for the individual.

But what does it mean when the sexual function is disrupted? Erectile Dysfunction is a condition developed when the erection mechanism, which resembles a mechanical mechanism, is not working properly. This can be a very real physical problem developed through a number of illnesses or conditions, I discussed later in this article. It also provides a very physical manifestation of an individual’s psychological state. As pheromones interact between individuals, the organic attraction is a psychological exempt state, meaning that our animalistic characteristics are taking over our bodies, pushing our rationalising brains out of the way. ED can indicate that our rationalising brains may be pushing their way back into the picture. Stress, confusing mental states and confidence issues can determine the inability to achieve an erection. A decline in attraction to our partner may be manifested as the inability to maintain an erection and express potential problems in a relationship. Damage to central nervous controls through the use of drugs, alcohol or other medications can also lead to physical representation in erectile issues and as the stress of not achieving an erection on demand can raise problems between partners, the mental anguish creates a vicious cycle.

Health and Wellness indications

Illnesses such as Diabetes, various cancers, vascular and heart diseases are all extremely serious and rising conditions in our society. It is well known that they lead to erectile issues as a side effect. However, they are also one of the first indicators that you actually have one of these diseases. As the penis erectile function is created by strong and constant blood surges, any disruption to the vascular system means that erection will be disrupted will be created. Changes in the shape and curvature of your penis can indicate a disease called Peyronie’s disease. While not life-threatening, this condition can produce painful and misshapen erections and can lead to a disrupted sex life and stress.Those who suffer from diabetes may first notice that they are experiencing less nighttime erections and excessive urination which are indicators of a diabetic condition. Prostate and other cancers will also create erectile function disruptions while glandular illnesses will often be diagnosed by a patient experiencing swelling in the testicles. And of course, testicular cancer, a very treatable condition is indicated by growths felt in the testicles.

The penis is a misunderstood organ which often shoulders more blame than is deserved, especially in the quest for sexual congress. The very reason for its presence is varied and central to your bodies functionality and the public discussion of this body part should be considered and vital rather than being the punch line of jokes. A brain it is not, but as a barometer of your own wellness, we should listen to it more than we do.
