Sexual intercourse may clear distal ureteral stones

Having sex 3-4 times a week was associated with a significantly greater stone passage rate than tamsulosin or standard medical therapy.

Researchers have concluded that Sexual intercourse may be an effective way to clear distal ureteral stones.

Clinic of Ankara Training and Research Hospital in Turkey, randomly assigned 90 male patients with distal ureteral stones to 1 of 3 treatment arms: sexual intercourse 3–4 times a week (group 1); tamsulosin 0.4 mg/day (group 2); and standard medical therapy (controls, group 3).

The mean stone size was similar among the groups: 4.7, 5.0, and 4.9 mm in groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

Of the 90 patients, 15 were excluded because of loss to follow-up.

After 2 weeks, 26 (83.9%) of 31 patients in the sexual intercourse group passed their stones compared with 10 (47.6%) of patients in the tamulosin group and 8 (34.8%) of patients in the control arm, according to a report in Urology (2015;86:19-24). The difference in stone passage rate was significantly greater in group 1 versus the other groups.

The mean stone expulsion time was significantly shorter in group 1 compared with the other groups: 10 days in group 1 versus 16.6 days in group 2, and 18 days in group 3.

The study postulate that nitric oxide released during erection and sexual intercourse may affect the distal ureters, causing relaxation of ureteral muscle.

Today, MET [medical expulsive therapy] is recommended as the first-line treatment in ureteral stones that do not necessitate surgery. If the patient has a sexual partner, having sexual intercourse at least 3 times a week may be beneficial to increase the probability of spontaneous stone expulsion in patients with distal ureteral stones ≤6 mm in size.”


