Stem Cell Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is characterized by the inability to develop or maintain erection of the penis for a longer span, which can ultimately lead to impotence.
Although not life threatening by itself, ED can hide high mortality diseases such as cardiovascular and coronary artery diseases, among others
These medical conditions can block the erection arteries or cause scarring of erection bodies and prevent proper blood flow thus limiting the erection.
Approximately 70% of men remain unresponsive to available medications that may treat only ED symptoms and not the underlying causes.
But the research efforts for stem cell treatments have laid a foundation towards finding a long term solution that can reverse the pathogenesis of ED and thereby restore the patient’s ability to achieve natural erection. Stem cells have evidently proven to promote angiogenesis, revascularization and improve blood flow.
With the employment of adult autologous stem cells from own body (blood, bone marrow and adipose tissue) it may be possible to repair sexual dysfunctions and find out a permanent symptomatic ED treatment. Stem cells therapy is still experimental, but if it proves successful, we expect – in few years – to be revolutionary
These cells have also proven their potential in a variety of clinical trials of male infertility and perhaps Peyronie’s disease treatment.
With the physician’s approval and guidance, the source from which stem cells are to be collected will be decided case by case.
