The cruellest cut – how losing your hair can lead to losing your erection


Having your hair looking its best the feeling of confidence this creates is a key aspect in the modern male persona. Over the years, male grooming trends have become increasingly important as our continually changing looks can attest.These looks and self-expressions are fun, harmless ways to represent your inner personality. But more serious medical conditions do come with real life draw backs, complications and side effects.Hair trends come and go. But for some men, the loss of their proud barnet through natural ageing or a more serious medical condition such as Alopecia, can be jarring and disappointing.

Numerous hair specialist clinics help men to redevelop their locks and confidence, providing men with an array of hair replacement options to restore their glory.However, a medication provided to support these men’s hirsute endeavours can lead to an extremely unfortunate side effect – Erectile Dysfunction.Natures cruel joke is that men interested in treatment to feel more confident can also end up facing sexual dysfunction.

The condition is called Post-Finasteride Syndrome. The medication, called 5-alpha reductase type II enzyme inhibitor or Finasteride is prescribed to halt current hair loss in men observing a thinning of the hair line and also for men who are undergoing or have undergone a hair transplant to stop the body rejecting their new mop top.  AlsoAlso, prescribed under the name Propecia (and other generic names), side effects can be devastatingly serious. Neurological and physical with symptoms such as muscle atrophy, chronic fatigue and depression have all been reported. These conditions have become so frequent that a foundation has been created to raise awareness of these issues and this can be found here Post-Finasteride Syndrome Foundation. Erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, reduction of semen creation and curvature of the penis known as Peyronie’s are all part of this disturbing reaction.

One solution for men who feel they may be developing a serious hair condition such as Alopecia and know they will need hair replacement is to make a pre emptive move and seek out erectile dysfunction treatments like Shockwave, before they experience the problem. This can work to build up muscle resistance and manage this condition through their hair treatment.

Hair transplant clinics are aware of the issue and explain the risks to patients and their contacts and the drug itself is becoming more clearly labelled . While investing in new variations to provide men with the fantastic hair solutions safely and quickly.

There are many companies seeking alternative medications, researching customer’s options and working more closely with their patients to achieve both the physical ideal without damaging patient’s health but men need to be aware of the severity of potential side effects. Understanding the side-affects, how to manage them and where to achieve the best help from medical professionals is the key to achieving success and reaching your objectives with these medical procedures, whether its hair, skin or even dental.  

In terms of Erectile Dysfunction, there is hope for sufferers with clinics such as International Andrology providing treatment options for Erectile Dysfunctionfor ED along with, Peyronie’s and other male sexual conditions through medication, psychosexual counselling, physical lifestyle options and surgical practices.If you are affected by any of the conditions mentioned in this article, please get in touch to learn more and read the specific pages regarding Erectile Dysfunction or Peyronie’s disease.

