Male Sub-Fertility


What is male sub-fertility?

Approximately 15 percent of couples are infertile due to a number of causes including male sub-fertility. This means they aren’t able to conceive a child even though they’ve had frequent, unprotected sexual intercourse for a year or longer. In about 50% of these couples, male infertility may be a factor. Situations such as these can cause strain in relationships, depression and frustration due to the unknown causes of this sub-fertility. However, with medical analysis, a number of male causes can be identified, a treatment plan identified and factors rectified to provide couples with a better chance of conceiving through whichever method identified as required.

Following difficulties to conceive naturally, in order to identify the cause of this infertility, a semen analysis or sperm test is an effective diagnostic option.

An abnormal sperm test does not indicate that a man is infertile but it does mean that a health issue affecting sperm quality or quantity in his ejaculate needs to be investigated further so as to treat, where possible, the underlying health cause.

An abnormal sperm test usually indicates that unless the sperm quality improves through medical treatment, it will be difficult (but not impossible) for the couple to conceive naturally. Most couples at this point will have two options:

  • They can continue trying to conceive naturally while the man receives treatment in order to improve his sperm quality

  • Depending on the underlying condition, they can consider some form of assisted reproduction. In this case, further investigation into the cause should be undertaken and treated if possible, since these causes may be serious separately (such as testicular cancer or hypogonadism) and/or it may be possible to improve sperm quality for future pregnancy attempts.

At International Andrology, we can help couples with the following methods:

  • Carry out an initial semen analysis and sperm DNA fragmentation test and evaluate the results;

  • In case of an abnormal sperm test perform further diagnostic tests and treat the underlying health conditions affecting sperm quality;

  • Help couples decide whether to try to conceive naturally or attempt the assisted reproduction treatment route

  • For couples that decide to have assisted reproduction procedures, but the male partner suffers from azoospermia (i.e. no sperm can be found in their ejaculate), we can surgically extract sperm, which can then be used for artificial insemination.

I might be suffering from  sub-fertility, what should I do next?

If you have problems conceiving with your partner, have been diagnosed with azoospermia or want to check your sperm health then we advise you to make an appointment to see a specialist Urologist/Andrologist.

Our doctors vast expertise in treating male sub fertility and our clinic is an international referral centre for difficult cases especially those with unexplained infertility.

